So Bryan was driving around Idaho Falls and saw a bunch of cars swerving this black thing in the middle of the road. He pulled over to see what it was and to move it and found a baby kitten! He picked it up and put it in his car, being the wonderful fiance he is he brought it to me so I can see it before he got rid of it...little did he know that I would fall in love with the little guy! He was so small and a little I nursed him back to health and he lived with me for most of the summer until I moved (you can't have pets at my school)...Tammy found him a home...
Everyone...this is BEAN!
Nate, Megan and Baby Cambri came to Idaho Falls for a little bit this summer. It was so much fun to see them and spend a ton of time with them. Bryan, Nate, Meg, Cambri, and I went to Glacier National Park for the weekend and went camping. It was so much fun and SO pretty. I strongly recomend it...but poor little Cambri got sick and well she did not have so much fun.
Now this stupid goat may have been the only wildlife we saw (minus birds and bugs) on the trip. Unlike Yellowstone there are not as many animals...Brian and Nate were so excited to see an animal I think I have a hundred pictures of this silly the same position. He never moved!
This is one of the many lakes that are in the park and they were AMAZING! The water was crystal clear and you could see everything! Even though it was so cold, the water was so clean and clear that it was totally worth and the highlight of the trip...Boating anyone?!
El Cook! Nate loves to cook while camping...who would have thought! You can never get him to do anything at home but put him outdoors in a tent with a fire and you have a COOK!
Cheesin it!!! (Meg was trying to make up for how unhappy her little girl was!)
On our way to Glacier we stopped at kevins to play with his family...and his wonderful lake! I love you Brother!
Surprisingly enough Nate has a lot of pictures with this exact pose...
Next door to kevin's house Sea.Doo was letting people test drive their new jetskis...O man o man they were LEGIT! Dad...can we have one please?!
Living in Washington you miss wonderful sucset like this one...there is a reason I love Idaho...
O so I got my haircut! hello bangs! Now I have never liked the idea of bangs on me...I have a wonderful callick in the middle of my forehead that makes bangs a challenge! But I helped a friend with a modeling shoot for her hair salon...which involved me getting my haircut...but the model pics looked awesome! I dont have those pics but here are some with my new do...and my boy!
We were so lucky to spend a ton of time with Jenae and her family! They are the best and her kids are so much fun I love having them around and I miss them so much...they should move to Oregon! Bryan and Damion are new best friends and Bry talks about going to visit Damion all the time! We went to a Doctors picnic this summer with Jenae and fam, jade and Brayden and had so much fun! Here are some pictures of that!
seeing all of these pictures makes me home sick! Nate works too much and I live too far away from family. You should move here! Hope you are doing well. We miss you.
I know huh!?! It seems like so long ago! I think you guys should transfer to Oregon...that's where its at ya know! Although I would move to Ohio...Bryan would LOVE that!!!! He dreams about that place every night!
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