Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Christmas '09

So I am posting about last Christmas mostly so the fam will stop asking me about Christmas pictures...so I am putting the best ones up and if you want the rest I can email them to you or you can get them from facebook! We had Christmas at the house this last year, then went up to the cabin for New Years. it was such a fun Christmas..everyone was in town...Jenae and family, Jarem and family, Nate and family, Janelle and Dave, Boom and Adrian, and Me and Bry and Ken! Kevin was at the cabin but not at the house...bummer that would have been fun, we missed him!

ahh...jarem and trish!

Michelle and Cambri's relationship...

That girl eats everything in her sight...why my belt was her object of fancy i don't know

Mary Megan..which is why the parents love her the most! :D

Buddy and Me

What a good day!!



Dumb and Dumber

Grandma and baby Cam

I wish dad always wore those glasses...I would be los less scared of him! What a good grandpa!

Nate=big head


Merry Christmas!

Ken and Me

Beautiful sister Nells and Me


Big Brother!

Me and Boom


Boom and Adrian..she gets excited over knives now...what happened to Boomer!?




Cute baby!

Wyatt...infamous pose (seriously Wyatt..I told you I had pictures of you doing this same pose!)


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